Rules and Tournament Information
• All players must wear numbered uniforms in the proper team colors.
• The home team will wear a white or light-colored jersey and the visiting team shall wear a dark
colored jersey.
• Each team will need to provide a penalty box attendant for each game and this volunteer
becomes an off-ice official and has to remain neutral during the game and help the on-ice
officials, if needed.
• Playing Time/Penalty Minutes
Playing time for all games will be stop time periods as follows:
Pee Wee
13 minutes (full ice)
14 minutes
15 minutes
15 minutes
15 minutes
A running clock will be used in the third period when one team is ahead by 5 or more goals.
Penalty times are as follows:
Mite Squirt Pee Wee Ban/Midget
Minor 1:30 1:30 1:30 2:00
Major 5:00 5:00 5:00 5:00
Misconduct 6:00 6:00 7:00 10:00
No team is permitted a time-out in round robin play. In consolation game or championship game
there is one timeout per game.
• Starting Time/Warm up Period
• Teams should be ready to enter the ice surface for the warm-up period up to 15 minutes
prior to the scheduled start time. If the tournament is running ahead of schedule teams are
expected to be ready to play.
• Warm-up time shall be three minutes.
• Zero Tolerance – Referees will be instructed to strictly enforce zero tolerance rules. GLHL
reserves the right to remove from the arena players, coaches or spectators who violate
USA/ AAU Hockey zero tolerance policies.
• Game Misconduct Penalty – Any player or coach receiving a game misconduct penalty shall
be suspended for the next tournament game.
• Fighting or Fisticuffs – Players receiving major penalties for Fighting or Fisticuffs in tournament
games shall be immediately suspended for all games remaining in the tournament. Players may
be subject to additional suspensions by their home governing bodies.
• Match Penalty – Any player, coach or manager who receives a match penalty shall be
suspended immediately for the balance of the tournament and these players, coaches and
teams will not be welcomed for future GLHL events.
• Game Suspensions – Suspensions resulting from game or gross misconducts, or any other
circumstances, which are mandated by GLHL will not be overturned by the Tournament
Director or the GLHL Tournament Committee under any circumstances. Players, coaches,
and parents should be always fully aware of the potential consequences of their actions.
• Protests – Protests related to interpretations of specific rules will be reviewed and considered
by the tournament director within one hour of a completed game. Protests must be submitted
to the tournament director in writing citing the specific rule. Protests related to judgment calls
by referees will not be considered. Decisions of GLHL and the tournament directo is final.
• Game Points Teams will be awarded points in round-robin play according to the following:
• Two points for a win.
• One point for a tie.
• Zero points for a loss.
• Tie games/Tie breaking procedures (based individually on each tournament)
Each team will receive one point for a round-robin game that is tied at the end of regulation
play. There will be no overtime periods for 3rd Place Games if tied at the end of regulation play.
If a semi-final or championship game ends in a tie the following tie-breaking procedure will be
• 5-minute sudden death overtime period (4 on 4, plus goalies)
• Shootout (4 players/team – each player may only shoot once) – most goals wins.
• If shootout ends in tie, sudden death shootout until winner is decided (each team
must continue through their roster until all players have taken a shot.